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Supercar Sharing - Die Geschichte

Supercar co-ownership & sharing.  #supercarsharing


Above all, a shared passion unites the founders of Supercar Sharing®, Deivis H. Valdes and Joschua Ammann, with the international sports car community. Both founders were already ambitious and successful entrepreneurs with different strengths before founding Supercar Sharing®.


Deivis comes from the technology and digital business background, while Joschua has experience in the real estate industry. During the beta phase initiated by Deivis in early 2021, the entrepreneurs met each other. Little did they know that our business model would, just a year later, evolve into a serious technology company and collector club with over 800 members, multiple inventory vehicles, an extensive trading network covering all major brands, a proprietary franchise system, brand and license protection in over 31 countries, and a digital infrastructure for vehicle providers and renters. Today, we regularly publish independent publications, studies, and insights into the luxury sharing segment, serve clients from around the world in our locations, and lead the market in the Supercar Co-Ownership sector with vehicle listings above 20M CHF. Read below for more about our story.


Deivis H Valdes - CEO & Founder Supercar Sharing.JPG

CEO, CTO & Founder

Chairman of the Board of Directors

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Joshua Ammann


Member of the Board of Directors

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Filippo Pignatti Morano

Head of Key Clients

Classic & Modern

Supercar Expert

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Jennifer Hohl

Content Production Team &

Event Photography

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Content Production Team &

Automotive photography

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Image: Supercar Sharing AG Founders 


One thing we have agreed on from the beginning: "The sports car industry is in desperate need of change and innovation in the luxury segment." - This decision has significant reasons and led to the creation of the first co-ownership based platform in the world- Supercar Sharing®.

The introduction of co-ownership and sharing

As entrepreneurial minded individuals and collectors of exclusive vehicles, it has been our experience that above-average spend on supercars tends to be rationalized as 'hobby spend'. A lack of alternatives on the market meant that every sports car owner is a lone fighter for his passion. Because the effort to operate one or more sports cars is independently of the financial effort, also associated with a high expenditure of time. After all, sports cars are subject to longer service intervals, have to be prepared regularly and stored accordingly so that they last a long time and retain their value. If a sports car does not retain its value - which is usually the case with unlimited supercars - buyers often have to reckon with a higher 5-digit to 6-digit loss in value. So far, this has been an iron rule that has simply been accepted. In addition, the vehicles are not moved more than 30-60 days a year. Not every sports car buyer is aware of this at first. Because if the success and the financial basis are right, people like to buy a sports car or maybe several.

The findings are delayed after about 2-5 years, at least when the first major service is due after the factory warranty has expired or the sale of the vehicle is being considered. In the case of leasing, which now accounts for over 70% of the sports car market in Switzerland, you are never the owner of the vehicle and money is wasted unnecessarily for the annual interest rate, fees and much more. lost.


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Image: Porsche 911 992 Turbo S

"As the world's first official provider of co-owner-based sports cars, we enable partial ownership of sports cars and limited-edition supercars with our own Co-Ownership System."


Of course, such an idea involves risks. In the beginning there were no market studies, no competition in the area of co-ownership of sports cars, no legal processes, no digital, logistical or stationary solutions for such a concept. We started from scratch with a blank sheet and developed the basic concept together with sports car friends and owners, lawyers, members and garages into a usable business model with a focus on real customer-oriented solutions.


The rest of Supercar Sharing is a success story that not only attracted international attention within a few months, but is also seen by more and more sports car enthusiasts as a real solution to the problems of sole ownership of the sports car.

Our first members came to us in July 2021 with enthusiasm, but also with skepticism and they opened up to something completely new on the market. We therefore thank our first members for this trust. The first members from back then are now our customers and happy co-owners with whom we share our passion for sports cars.

Today we regularly host podcasts, talks and events all about supercars and welcome over 1400 active members to our Collector Club and share several existing vehicles that are driven daily by our co-owners.

In addition to our co-ownership system, we also offer professional and short-term sports car rentals to travelers and sports car fans who want to remain flexible.







Live Stats


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