A company car via supercar sharing is associated with creative uses and advantages. It is ideal for companies that have a demanding clientele and place great value on a well-kept company presentation and promotion.
Holding one or more shares of a supercar is also much more lucrative and ecological And thanks to tax deductibility, it is more budget-friendly than buying a supercar alone. In this way, different companies or managers can jointly purchase and use a vehicle via our exchange. Our team takes care of the service, maintenance, servicing, care and storage of the vehicle with our location partners.
Cross-industry solution
Our solution is ideal for clubs and SMEs from different industries. Including: real estate, gastronomy, hotel, event and event industry, art and the entertainment industry.
Choose from the offers from a category from long-haul luxury vehicles to super sports cars. We would be happy to assist you with the vehicle acquisition as a partner and devote ourselves entirely to your automotive ideas.
Your supercar sharing team
