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How does Supercar Sharing® work?How does Supercar Sharing's co-ownership system work? If you haven't seen the process of co-ownership yet, here is the process with an explanatory video: Simply explained in an example: 1 vehicle 5-10 co-owners. This is the principle of Supercar Sharing® and our Co-Ownership System. Each Co-Owner (private as well as corporate customers) pays a share price for the joint purchase of the desired vehicle. With each share purchased, the CO-Owner receives 3000km and 30 days of use of the vehicle per year. The Co-Owner contract specifies when the vehicle is to be sold again - e.g. at 50,000 km. The other costs such as insurance, maintenance, road taxes, warranty, preparation and storage are shared among each other on a pro rata basis through our system. The vehicles of Supercar Sharing all have warranty and enjoy the highest comprehensive insurance coverage for any kind of eventuality. So you don't have to worry about anything, only about the fuel tank. Thus, the Co-Owners pay a fraction of the purchase price and a fraction of the maintenance costs of the vehicle. For the joint use as well as booking, we are using an app and additionally guidelines to ensure a harmonious vehicle use. In practice, according to our case study, the Supercar Sharing® model has established itself as the most efficient, sustainable and cost-saving model on the luxury car market:
Is there a minimum age or requirements?Yes there is. Only vehicle users over the age of 28 who can present an original driver's license with a validity of at least 6 years are allowed to steer the sports car. Inquiries from younger people are unfortunately rejected by us for security reasons. It is also highly recommended to be able to demonstrate previous experience with sports cars. However, our instructors are happy to introduce new people and offer safety training and courses. Prerequisite for limited supercars with a value of CHF 300,000. Special cars, limited vehicles and hypercars marked by Supercar Sharing with a value of CHF 300,000 receive a driving license from the age of 35. Requests from younger people up to a minimum of 28 years will be checked.
How about the insurance solution with Co-Ownership?Supercar Sharing has its own solid insurance compliance as the first sports car co-ownership provider in Europe. Means maximum security for the best possible price fairness. With our insurance partners, we guarantee comprehensive insurance via Supercar Sharing, which fully covers every driver/co-owner, just like insuring a company fleet of vehicles. To do this, we work closely with the insurance services, e.g. from our partner Zurich Versicherung, who will also be happy to answer any questions you may have. Their GTC's, which are valid for our co-owners, are available for download here with permission. The owners and any authorized driver are therefore covered by motor vehicle liability insurance. The liability insurance covers personal injury, property damage and the resulting financial losses, with the coverage amounts listed in the insurance contract. Comprehensive insurance, theft and passenger insurance are also included. However, the owner is fully liable for any legal disadvantages (recourse from insurance due to negligence, etc.). Additional: Because the vehicles are registered as Supercar Sharing vehicles, you don't have to deal with the co-owner bureaucracy in the background.
How high is the deductible in the event of an accident?The deductible in the event of a collision is as follows: For drivers aged 28-35, the deductible is 10% of the damage amount or at least CHF 5'000.-. For drivers after the age of 35, the deductible is CHF 5'000.-.
What happens in cases of scratches and minor damage? Who pays for it? Me as the causer, or all co-owners collectively?This is an important question. In principle, our vehicles (as described in the insurance question above) are all fully comprehensive insured. If the vehicle is damaged by an insured event (e.g. parking damage), our insurance partner pays the costs of the repair. Not, however, in the case of negligent handling and operational damage caused. Procedure for minor damage and scratches: All cases of damage and minor damage such as scratches, interior damages and minimal exterior damage must be reported immediately to the operator Supercar Sharing and must be logged at the latest when the vehicle is returned to a location. Irrespective of the report, the vehicle will be thoroughly inspected and checked for defects every time it is returned to our location using the 360° procedure. We will immediately report any unnoticed damage and defects to the responsible Co-Owner. Co-Owner is personally liable for negligent handling and rim scratches: Operational damage caused due to negligent handling (e.g. self-inflicted tyre damage, rim damage as well as rim scratches, incorrect refuelling, mechanically caused damage due to incorrect handling) and the associated consequential costs are not covered by the insurance and will be charged in full by the co-owner causing the damage. This also applies to damage to the vehicle caused by over-revving the engine, shifting gears, cavalier starts (launch control), excessive tyre wear or any kind of incorrect manipulation. These damages can be proven by computer. In the event of such damage, the value of the damage will be determined independently and invoiced personally to the respective Co-Owner.
What happens in the event of a total loss due to an accident to my investment as a Co-Owner?The car is a total write-off when repairs are no longer worthwhile or the repair costs are much higher than purchasing a replacement car of the same value. Total loss due to third-party fault: If the economic total loss of a Supercar Sharing vehicle is caused by third-party fault, we, as the injured policyholder, receive compensation from the opposing liability insurance company in the amount of the replacement value of the vehicle. Nothing changes with the investment and the term of your co-owner contract. The current co-ownership contracts and the co-owner vehicle register are seamlessly transferred to the following vehicle. We have to reckon with a processing time of a few weeks. Total loss through own fault: If you are responsible for the economic total loss of the vehicle, the costs are only covered by the fully comprehensive insurance. Here too, the current co-ownership contracts and the co-owner vehicle register are seamlessly transferred to the following vehicle.
Am I allowed to drive the vehicle onto the racetrack?No, that is strictly prohibited. Our insurance covers all matters relating to co-ownership and sharing. Track use is not part of sharing and is therefore not insured. In the event of damage caused by unauthorised use on the race track, the Co-Owner is personally liable for the full amount of the damage up to the replacement value of the sports car in the event of a total loss. Exceptions are Racing Cars We are currently working on a concept for co-ownership of racing cars and cup cars (both without road registration) for sole racing use. For this purpose, we are working with a separate insurer who specialises in racing cars and race tracks.
What are the rules for fair use as a co-owner?We maintain a strict "fair-use" culture in our supercar sharing community which is exemplarily observed by our customers and co-owners. Breaches of the rules are sanctioned. Our fair-use principle and obligations as a co-owner are regulated in the General Terms and Conditions for Co-Ownership (download area). You can find an overview of the most important conditions for fair use in this infographic.
How do I reserve my vehicle?So co-owners get access to the booking app. Using the booking app, you can reserve your vehicle in advance in the calendar. The reservation of the vehicle is stored accordingly in the booking calendar and can be blocked for others during this period. Please note further below in the FAQ's the note for fair bookings in the high season (summer) and the low season. You can reserve the vehicle e.g. for special occasions or holidays, but also spontaneously and flexibly in advance, depending on availability.
How is my share secured and what is the legal basis?These are very important questions. We ensure that every transaction involving a co-ownership share is documented in a corresponding share purchase agreement, which is legally signed by you as the buyer and us as the seller. This share purchase agreement is a central document which forms the legal basis for you as a co-owner to be able to prove authorization for the vehicle at any time. We also have other security mechanisms to protect your shares. 1.) We keep a register of co-owners for each vehicle, which is completely kept and continuously updated. This register is disclosed to the co-owners of the vehicle in question after the purchase of a vehicle has been completed. 2.) The vehicle cannot be sold without the consent of the other co-owners and the main owner (management) Supercar Sharing AG. However, you can transfer and sell your shares to another person at any time via our platform. 3.) Each vehicle registered by Supercar Sharing is also protected by a code against illegal sale by the registration office. In this way we secure the entire vehicle and thus all co-owners involved. 4.) Your permission to use the vehicle will be certified by a notary of our choice after you have taken delivery of the vehicle. There the driver's license for the vehicle will be authorized and handed over to you. The certification will be translated into German, English, Italian and French. This happens within the first 2-7 days after picking up the vehicle and is a purely internal administration process, where you as a customer have no effort. 5.) If a sale date is defined for the vehicle (which we write out in the form of a sale instruction to the co-owner), we undertake, if the vehicle is successfully sold, to pay the agreed share amount to the co-owners involved within 7 days and to update or delete the register of co-owners with the transactions made. With these central mechanisms, we offer you the highest level of security, a legal basis and transparent handling of the vehicle.
Is there an annual mileage limit that I have during my ride days?Yes, there are limitations on the mileage allowed for each vehicle share, depending on the vehicle model. For hypercars, the mileage limit is set at 1,000 km per share per year, while for regular sports cars and supercars, it ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 km per share per year for each co-owner. Here's an example using a Ferrari F8 Spider: 2,000 km | 30 days of usage | 1 share (10% ownership) 4,000 km | 60 days of usage | 2 shares (20% ownership) 6,000 km | 90 days of usage | 3 shares (30% ownership) 8,000 km | 120 days of usage | 4 shares (40% ownership) 10,000 km | 150 days of usage | 5 shares (50% ownership)
Can someone reserve the car for the whole summer, is there a fair arrangement?Yes, we have implemented fair regulations to ensure equitable access to the vehicle during the summer months. Here's how it works: 1. High season (May - September): During these peak months, we implement a balanced approach to bookings. Co-owners are not allowed to reserve the vehicle for more than 7 days per month during this time. This prevents any single co-owner from monopolizing the car for an extended period and ensures that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy it. However, we also understand that demand may vary during the high season. Therefore, we offer flexibility so that booking duration can be extended through individual requests during low booking periods. This flexibility is always provided based on demand and capacity, ensuring that every co-owner has the chance to use the vehicle, especially during times when it's not fully booked. 2. Low season (October - April): Outside the high season, which spans from May to September, there are no restrictions on booking duration. Co-owners are free to reserve the vehicle for longer periods according to their needs and preferences. 3. Team Monitoring: It's important to note that all bookings are closely monitored by our dedicated team. If any irregularities or violations of our fairness rules occur, we take immediate action to address them. Our goal is to maintain fairness and transparency within our co-ownership community, ensuring that everyone can enjoy their share of time with the vehicle.
Can the car also be delivered to my address, or does it always have to be picked up at the location? How much does delivery cost?Yes, we offer that. If you wish, we will also be happy to transfer your vehicle directly to your desired address and collect the vehicle again at an agreed time. The distance is calculated individually from the vehicle location to your address, as well as the transporter and the staff.
What happens if I drive more than 3000km with 1 share and what are the additional costs per KM?Each additional kilometer driven is calculated in the exact ratio of your share value. Example: Share price 10,000 CHF / 3,000 KM = 3.3 CHF per additional kilometer. So 3,000 additional kilometers is the same value as 2 shares. This ensures a fair usage relationship with the other co-owners.
What is the difference between stock vehicles and the open sports car offers?We distinguish between two categories of offers. On the one hand, we offer pre-purchased stock vehicles that are already in the possession of Supercar Sharing AG. The second category are open desired vehicles which our members suggest to advertise, as well as vehicle offers advertised by garage partners. Both are marked accordingly in the offers. Where is the advantage? So, stock vehicles offers the highest purchase security since they are already pre-owned by us. We have an almost unlimited project time to sell all co-ownership slots and have marketing and showroom control of most stock cars. The car will be registered when all co-ownership slots are soled 100% In the case of open sports car offers, the vehicles are only released and purchased for use after 100% co-ownership financing, i.e. when all Co-Owners have agreed to purchase the vehicle. This is the progress with limited supercars, hypercars and advertised cars from garages or members. Generally we agree on a project timeframe for example 3 month to purchase the advertised car. During this time, it's reserved but is not owned by us. So, here we don't pre-purchase the car as it is the case with stock vehicles.
Who is allowed to sell the car and when will it be sold?You can flexibly sell your share of the sports car at any time via Supercar Sharing. For more information, see the question below. However, the vehicle may not be sold as a whole without the consent of Supercar Sharing AG and the co-owner. Each vehicle registered by Supercar Sharing is also protected by a code against illegal sale by the registration office. This protects us and all co-owners of the vehicle. Violators will be prosecuted. Important update: March 02, 2022 In the vehicle's share purchase agreement, the resale of the vehicle is documented in writing by means of a sale instruction and is signed by each co-owner upon confirmation. Resale depends on vehicle type and model. For SUV's and vehicles suitable for long-distance use, resale takes place at 90,000 km. Sports cars of all brands are resold at an average of around 70,000 km. This allows us to limit the loss in value of the vehicle, but also to keep resale on the market as attractive as possible. That's why we mainly buy used sports cars with few kilometers, which are usually (depending on the use) 2-3 years, or even longer. Upon successful sale of the vehicle, we commit to disbursing to you as a Co-Owner the adjusted share value within 30-45 days after the expiration of a cancellation and claims period. Additionally, we will update and reconcile the Co-Ownership register with the completed transactions. Important Update II: November 01, 2023 - Voting Rights per Share With each acquired percentage, a voting right is granted for crucial matters related to the vehicle. For every 10% ownership stake, an additional voting right is awarded, with a maximum of 10 voting rights up to sole ownership of 100%. This democratic structure ensures a balanced decision-making process on important matters, including selection of replacement vehicles, modifications, resale, upgrades, changes such as wraps, decisions in case of significant damages, and extension of the vehicle's usage time. For significant decisions, we as operators ensure transparent communication.
I would like to sell my share again. How does it work?If you want to sell your share again, you can advertise your share again via our platform. Please contact us by telephone or e-mail in order to advertise the vehicle with your share again. As a co-owner, you must inform us immediately of your intention to sell in order to assess the shares, measured by the loss in value or the increase in value of the vehicle. After appraising the vehicle, we will initiate the sale of the shares with you and advertise your share on our platform. This process takes about 1 to a maximum of 2 working days. We charge the usual platform fee, which is not borne by you but by the new buyer. With the share purchase agreement, you can also transfer/sell your share to a person you know, the processing of which will be checked by us beforehand. We undertake, upon successful sale of your shares, to pay out the agreed share amount to your specified bank account and to update the co-owner register with the transactions made. Once you have been removed from the co-ownership register, all claims and associated obligations to the vehicle expire.
What is a co-owner?The term co-owner is the established term for co-owners in the area of "sharing". Today, the co-owners, real estate, yachts, jets and, via supercar sharing, also share sports cars for the first time. This gives users a wide range of commercial and flexible advantages which would be unthinkable if they were purchased alone, or leased or rented. That's why more and more enlightened buyers are opting for Supercar Sharing.
What is crowdfunding?Crowdfunding is the English term for swarm financing and describes the financing of a project or an object by a large number of people. Crowdfunding is seen as an alternative to traditional funding from financial institutions. There are a variety of crowdfunding categories, each dedicated to a different area. Supercar Sharing®, the world's first platform for group-financed supercars, focuses exclusively on the category of exceptional vehicles for shared use via our proven sharing system. We use the principle and technology of crowdfunding to finance the vehicles independently. The user becomes the co-owner of the offered vehicle.
What is the difference between the Supercar Co-Ownership System® and conventional investment platforms?The Co-Ownership program by Supercar Sharing goes beyond conventional vehicle investment platforms by not only offering co-owners the opportunity to invest in the vehicle but also to enjoy its actual use. While traditional as well as new investment platforms (which offer stakes in vehicles for as low as 100 CHF) often view vehicles merely as investment objects that could gather dust in a collection or museum, Supercar Sharing's Co-Ownership program allows co-owners to actively utilize the vehicle. This means that co-owners are not just passive investors but active participants in the world of supercars. At Supercar Sharing, co-owners enjoy the freedom to use the vehicle as they please. Through our system, co-owners can easily book and drive the vehicle without having to worry about the usual challenges associated with owning an exclusive vehicle, such as maintenance, insurance, upkeep, or storage.
Why rethink and why should I co-own a car?There are many reasons why you should rethink the sports car sector and the way you have dealt with the topic so far. Many of our established customers have already fulfilled their dream of a sports car before Supercar Sharing, in order to come to the realization afterwards that, despite the very high fun factor, there are many other deficits that no longer justify the sole operation of a sports car . 98% of our customers agree on this. From high depreciation to limited use and much more, we talked to former sports car owners to offer a real alternative to buying, leasing and renting. There are a lot of questions that our customers asked when they bought it alone. The most important questions, which we also address to you, dear reader, are: Why release so much capital in the sole purchase for a vehicle that is not used 90% of the time? That is a fact. Why accept 30-50% depreciation, (often even more) in 1-3 years, if you can avoid it? That is a fact. Why make a high down payment, via leasing for a sports car, to then pay 2,000 - 5,000 CHF to the bank every month?... At the same time, the leasing liability continues even in winter. From a commercial point of view, this is madness and is also a fact. Unfortunately, this often happens also because of the false consultation in the vehicle purchase, in order to bring a vehicle as fast as possible to the man or the woman. The long-term consequences are the liabilities, payment obligations and over the years increasingly higher bills excluding the further costs of maintaining, storing and servicing the vehicle. What sustainable and ecological benefits do I bring if I buy a sports car alone? We therefore recommend that you and anyone who is weighing buying or leasing a sports car on their own, check out Supercar Sharing and our Co-Ownership System for information, advice and alternatives. Not only do we have every popular sports car model in our portfolio, we also have long-term cost analysis on pretty much every supercar on the market. We also work closely, both with established garages and service providers in insurance and vehicle services. This way you avoid unnecessary experiences, costs and can really enjoy sports car driving in the long run.
What does vehicle share mean?In the 1/10 Co-Ownership System developed by Supercar Sharing®, a "vehicle share" represents the participant's share of ownership in the vehicle, which they can possess and utilize. When a vehicle is advertised with a 1/10 share, it means that the vehicle is divided into ten shares in total. Each share corresponds to 10% ownership of the vehicle, along with associated usage and voting rights. This vehicle share allows the owner to use the supercar according to the guidelines and availabilities of the Co-Ownership program. The co-owner can book and use the vehicle for a specified number of days and kilometers per year. Furthermore, a vehicle share also includes a contribution to the costs and responsibilities associated with owning and maintaining the vehicle. This includes the proportional financing of maintenance, insurance, storage, and other operational expenses.
Is your offer a subscription or rent?No, Supercar Sharing's co-ownership system is not based on a vehicle subscription, rental or leasing. As described above, we offer a genuine alternative to existing financing options. This means that there is no monthly or annual usage fee as with traditional business models. Our co-ownership system for sports cars is a revolutionary concept in which the buyer of a vehicle share also becomes a co-owner. If you are still looking for hire vehicles, you will also find what you are looking for here. You will find listed vehicles for hire in the "Rental" section.
Is this a lease?No, this is not a leasing offer, but an alternative to group financing. This is the first option next to leasing, but for comparison, you become the owner and not just the user of a vehicle. More information and advantages over leasing can be found here: Comparison of leasing / co-ownership
Can I take the car abroad? Which countries are not allowed?This is a very important question. Yes, trips abroad are generally permitted provided that the zones are observed. We would like to point out that the co-owners are largely responsible for where they drive the vehicle. However, according to the AVB from our partner Zurich Versicherung (General Insurance Conditions), not all countries are permitted. Countries that are not permitted are also marked on the vehicle's insurance card. Important information: In the following countries, entry is not permitted according to the General Terms and Conditions of Supercar Sharing or the insurance cover is completely void: Belarus, Moldova, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania , Ukraine, Russian Federation, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Algeria, Lebanon, Libya and Syria. Nevertheless, we recommend that you refrain from entering other, unnamed emerging countries or emerging regions, as dilapidated roads, increased gang crime and a deficient infrastructure can cause damage to the sports car. In the event of violations, the responsible owner is responsible for all resulting measures and bears all costs resulting from this if the insurance waives the right to a deductible.
What annual costs do I incur from your side (in addition to maintenance, service, upkeep for the car)?"In addition to a fixed annual flat rate for maintenance, which already includes the insurance and vehicle guarantee, there are no additional costs on our part (Supercar Sharing AG). In contrast to a car subscription, leasing or renting, you only pay your main contribution to become a co-owner of the sports car once and not monthly or annually. In addition, the above costs are always shared with the other co-owners in advance. We manage the invoices in a completely transparent and unbureaucratic manner. We are strictly against hidden costs.
Is there a monthly cost somewhere?No, there are no hidden monthly costs or additional costs. The only costs incurred are the annual operating costs for the respective vehicle in which you are involved as a co-owner.
Who are your customers or co-owners?Our community is particularly dear to us, especially those who utilize the vehicles. The co-owners of our vehicles mainly consist of travelers who prefer to own a share rather than rent, vehicle enthusiasts who share their passion, entrepreneurs looking to expand or diversify their vehicle collections, business partners, and vehicle collectors who place great value on the care and responsible handling of vehicles. Both economic thinking and philanthropic aspects are central to our community. The average age of our community is 37 years old. Currently, there are over 1200 active members (as of February 2024).
Is it possible to meet the other co-owners? Will this be checked from your side?Yes, this is possible at events such as showroom events and on the launch day of the vehicle. In addition, each owner is entered transparently in the vehicle register of the respective vehicle. Basically, the risk assessment and person analysis is an important part of our internal process when we get to know new customers and integrate them into a vehicle. In doing so, we pay attention to various factors that can also lead to the rejection of applications.
Where is the vehicle located?Depending on the location of the co-owner, Supercar Sharing vehicles are stored in secure, low-dust and air-conditioned storage/garages. So you never have to go far to pick up and return the vehicle. The locations are noted here: The location is currently for co-owners from Eastern and Central Switzerland - Lucerne. Zurich is currently fully booked. The location in Bern is responsible for co-owners from western Switzerland. In Germany, our location partner in Munich is responsible. Other locations in Europe will follow. In the meantime that you use the vehicle, it is kept in your secure garage until you return it.
Which vehicle brands do you offer?We focus on brands in the upper luxury segment and offer brands and selected models via Supercar Sharing. Including models and special models from: Aston Martin Bentley Ferrari Lamborghini Rolls Royce Koenigsegg AMG Mercedes Bugatti McLaren Porsche Other brands of hypercar manufacturers and limited classic supercars are also traded on our platform based on availability
According to your website, the vehicles have a guarantee. What exactly is not covered by the warranty insurance?That's right, the vehicles are all additionally insured with a guarantee, which largely covers electronic and mechanical damage/malfunctions. The following are not insured by the guarantee: Parts that are not approved by the vehicle manufacturer, in particular components without a manufacturer part number, wearing parts, i.e. vehicle parts whose correct function involves wear and tear, such as brake pads, brake discs, tyres, shock absorbers, drum brakes, lamps, ball joints, flywheels and clutches.
What exactly does the guarantee cover?According to the AVB from our warranty partner, the following components and parts are covered: Engine Pistons, cylinder liners, pins, rings, connecting rods, crankshaft, crankshaft gear, countershaft gear, oil pump, drive gear, cylinder head gasket, cylinder block, camshaft, tappets, valve rocker arms, camshaft gear, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, cylinder head, valves, valve guides, carburetor, crankcase, oil cooler, oil pan, oil pressure switch, air flow sensor, air mass sensor, knock sensor, sensors, bearings, idle speed control engine Turbo Turbo, compressor, intercooler, assumption of damage up to max. 100'000 km 4x4 drive Transfer case, viscous clutch, differential lock Mechanical transmission Pinion, shift forks, sliding sleeve, drive shaft, main shaft Automatic transmission Shafts, planetary gear sets, pulleys, belts, valves, oil pump, regulator, safety valves, assumption of the damage up to max. 140'000 km Fuel system Fuel pump, injection pump, fuel pressure regulator Axle drive Differential, pinion, wheel bearing Power transmission shafts Cardan shafts, cardan shaft bearings, axle drive shafts, electronic control units Steering Power steering pump, mechanical steering, power steering Brakes Brake booster, brake master cylinder, vacuum pump, brake force regulator, brake force limiter, ABS, ABS control unit, ASR Suspension Lower and upper sway bars, suspension arm rings, axles and suspensions, kingpins and rings, control arms, tie rods Electrical system Alternator, starter motor, windshield wiper motor, sunroof motor, door central locking motor, ignition coil, engine control unit Cooling system Water pump, radiator, thermostat, electric fan motor, viscous fan, heater radiator Air conditioning system air conditioning compressor, evaporator, condenser Chassis Suspension strut, suspension strut bearing, level control, stabilizer bar Electronics alarm system, digital engine electronics, board computer, ESP, multifunction display Comfort equipment Cruise control, Seat adjustment, Heated seats, Heated mirrors, Airbag, Immobilizer
I have reserved/bought a share. When will the handover take place and what happens next?Great and thanks for the reservation. After all 10 shares have been reserved, we issue the final invoice to the co-owners and process the purchase of the vehicle. You will then be entered in the vehicle's co-owner register. The vehicle will then be handed over 1 day after the notarial authorization. As a rule, the entire handover is successfully completed after a few days and never more than 7 days. The meeting point is the agreed location. If you are a new customer with us, there will be an introductory appointment where you will be entrusted with the storage and the vehicle. Due to the current situation, only individual appointments are possible. However, the cozy group appointments at the introductory/handover days of new vehicles will certainly take place again soon.
Can I also buy several shares?Yes, you can buy multiple shares in a vehicle...let's say 2 shares. This doubles your right to use the vehicle and you can drive twice as many days and kilometers per year. You can also buy shares in several vehicles. Only Supercar Sharing offers you this flexibility. For vehicle collectors and those who would like to drive different vehicle models, we offer a wide range of options to live out your automotive dreams with us as a co-owner and sharing system.
Do I have to pay the share right away?No, only 1% of the vehicle sum is booked as a reservation fee and is due after the signing of the first co-owner purchase contract. The remaining amount of the share is only due when all 10 shares in the vehicle have been sold via Supercar Sharing. Example: Vehicle value: CHF 200,000 Shares: 10 Price Per Share: 22,000 Reservation fee: 2,000 CHF (1%) Final payment: 22,000 CHF - 2,000 = 20,000 CHF In this example, the invoice of CHF 20,000 is only due after all interested parties have made a binding commitment to buy the vehicle.
What happens if the car is booked by different people on the same day? Is this possible?A double booking is technically not possible. Since the vehicles are booked in the app, they are simply not available at the time of booking in the respective period (marked in grey). Therefore a double booking is not possible.
How long does vehicle financing take?With Supercar Sharing, vehicle financing takes about 30-90 days. The status of the co-ownership financing can always be found on our website in the respective advertisement. The duration depends on the demand for the vehicle and the number of people taking part at a bid.
What happens if 100% financing is not achieved?In such a case, we can extend the financing for an additional 30-180 days. If it is still not fully financed by then, we will remove the vehicle from the lineup due to lack of demand or release it for individual sale in the conventional open market. Reservation fees paid will be refunded to participating individuals within 30 days. There is also the option to transfer the reservation to another vehicle.
What does CO fee mean?The CO fee is Supercar Sharing's co-ownership fee. This is 1% per vehicle share. With this fee we operate our platform, keep it up to date, pay our employees, suppliers and expand with new locations throughout Switzerland and Europe.
How does Supercar Sharing® earns money?1.) Co-ownership vehicles & management Supercar Sharing® earns on advertised sports cars from the platform fee (CO) factored into each share price and our purchasing options as a dealer. The total fee is 10% of the total vehicle value. A co-owner pays a one-time fee of 1% of the vehicle value per share. 2.) Club and exclusive access For security reasons, our offers are only accessible to registered and verified users. A fee is charged for membership (depending on the level) which allows access to our rooms, offers and supercar events. 3.) Rental to club members and travelers In addition to our co-ownership fleet, we rent exclusive vehicles to travelers and club members. 4.) Special Services & Concierge We support national and international collectors with the registration, delivery and storage of vehicles on request and professionally manage vehicle portfolios in our secure premises and storages around Europe. 5.) License Services & Franchise As a technology supplier, we work closely with garages, entrepreneurs and license partners who use our entire scalable, digital infrastructure, storage and co-owner solutions regionally or nationally to offer this added value in your region. 6) Purchase and sale of exclusive vehicles We also offer services for the purchase of vehicles, either for our own fleet or on behalf of our customers. In addition, we support customers in selling their vehicles by using our expertise and network to achieve optimal results.
With which license plate is the vehicle registered?The vehicles at Supercar Sharing are registered and insured with the Zurich number plate ZH, since the headquarters of Supercar Sharing AG are also in Zurich.
Can the vehicle also be driven in winter?The applicability varies based on the Supercar Sharing Franchise's geographical area and location. In colder regions such as Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and other northern areas, specific models and sports cars are typically not utilized during the winter months (November to March). This situation does not pose an issue for 4x4 Supercar SUVs equipped with winter tires. However, it's essential for co-owners to take responsibility for storing the vehicle in a garage and ensuring proper maintenance during this period. Disadvantages in winter: Road salt and mud are poison for metal, short journeys in winter are just as bad for the engine. Snow on the car scratches the paint. At least when he is wildly swept from the car. Because there are tiny dirt particles in the snow, which lead to scratches on the paintwork. In cold start operation, the wear and tear on the moving parts is also particularly high. Ice on the wheel arches destroys the technology. Temperatures just below zero degrees are dangerous. Snow slush collects on the wheel arch tips in the fender and can freeze rock hard. Damage can occur if this ice shell grows into the wheel suspension or is pressed into the sheet metal. Road salt makes things difficult for the tin. In combination with water, an aggressive mixture is formed. Damaged paintwork and bare metal are particularly at risk. There is a risk of rust forming, which of course we want to avoid in our supercars. The only protection here is the application of a new coat of varnish or wax.
Isn't renting a sports car cheaper than buying a share?No, renting is by no means cheaper than being a co-owner. We also briefly explain why here. While you only pay for short-term vehicle use when renting, e.g. a Lamborghini Huracan - 1 day 1,200 CHF including 150 -300 km - the money you spend on this is no longer returnable. So it's spent. On the other hand, with our co-ownership system, you are co-owner of the vehicle. You make a one-time payment of your share of e.g. CHF 15,000, in return you own a stake in the vehicle and you will receive your pro rata value back when you sell it. In addition, you can use the vehicle for several years. For this reason, it is often more profitable than renting, leasing or buying alone. If you still want to rent, we also offer rental vehicles on our platform.
What happens if the vehicle is not available at the time of booking.The booking app always indicates whether the vehicle is available in the corresponding period or not. You can always book the vehicle in advance or spontaneously, subject to availability. Booking security: Through our live monitoring of the bookings, we check both vehicle arrivals and departures to ensure double booking security.
How often can I use the car?Simply explained: Per share 30 days of use / per year / 3000 km 2 shares 60 days usage / per year / 6000 km 3 shares 90 days usage / per year / 9000 km 4 shares 120 days of use / per year / 12,000 km 5 shares 150 days of use / per year / 15,000 km
I caused damage/accident . What should I do now?Please try to locate the damage first and classify the extent of the damage. Is it major damage caused by an accident, or minor damage like a scratch on the outside or inside? Then please contact us immediately with a damage report to Please tell us about the incident and send us the relevant pictures of the damage that has occurred. If this is an insured event, we will handle the incident with the insurance company. For traffic accidents and accidents involving personal injury: If you are involved in a traffic accident with a vehicle, you must stop immediately and secure the scene of the accident. If you don't do this and move away from the scene of the accident, you are violating your traffic law obligations. Please note the following points: Don't lose nerve; turn on the hazard lights and low beam. Get an overview of the number, type and location of the vehicles involved in the accident. Are there any injuries? Is there a risk of fire or explosion? Are there vehicles with dangerous goods? Alert emergency servicesCall the police on 117, the paramedics on 144 or, in the event of a fire, the fire brigade on 118.Until the police arrive, you may only change the situation at the scene of the accident to protect the injured or to secure traffic. If possible, photograph the original position beforehand. Document the accident Do not move the vehicles and photograph the damaged vehicles from all sides if possible. Set up the breakdown triangle at least 50 m from the scene of the accident - if you are driving fast, at least 100 m away. More detailed information can be found in the services of the Swiss Confederation: If you're in shock and don't know what to do, please call us on 079 882 54 77. We'll do our best to help you right away.
Who bears the repair costs? Is there a guarantee?We have answered what exactly the vehicle warranty covers in the general questions in the FAQs above. All costs such as repair and inspection costs as well as services are covered by the guarantee. Since most vehicles come with a factory warranty, there are no costs here. If a vehicle is out of warranty, the warranty insurance from our insurance partner comes into effect. Co-Owners share the cost of out-of-warranty repairs and wear and tear. Gross wear and tear is borne by the co-owner who caused it. The vehicles are fully checked for defects by us and the co-owner before each transport or use. We take care of the invoice management. In such a case, the lump sum for the guarantee will be divided among the co-owners once a year, as usual.
How is the vehicle to be maintained? What do I have to consider when returning and picking up.In our locations, the employees take care of the well-being of the vehicle as in a hotel. So you don't have to worry about maintenance if it's stored in one of our locations. If the vehicle is outside of our location, e.g. at your place, then the following applies: The vehicle is to be cared for and treated according to the information provided by the operator (Supercar Sharing) and the manufacturer. The engine oil level and the functionality of the brakes as well as the general operational safety must be checked before each journey. Every co-owner is responsible for this, but not the operator of Supercar Sharing. The vehicle must therefore be driven and operated carefully and conscientiously. All fuel costs are at the expense of the respective co-owner. Smoking, eating and drinking soft drinks are, however, prohibited in the car in order to protect the common good of the other co-owners. Special vehicles with e.g. special paintwork or special spoiler assemblies are not allowed in the car wash. There are additional care instructions for such vehicles and our team will be happy to take care of them for you.
What is your process of renting a vehicle?On the Supercar Sharing rental platform, you can reserve and rent sports cars securely and online in real time. 1. Go to "Rent" on our website: To rent, visit our "Rent" section of our website and select the model you want to rent. 2. Inform and check availability online Find out more about the vehicle online and check availability live in the booking calendar. 3. Book your desired dates Enter your desired dates in the booking calendar as in the video above and proceed with the booking. Information about the colors on the calendar: Days highlighted in green - vehicle is available Days highlighted in gray - vehicle is already reserved or booked Days highlighted in orange - vehicle is only partially available 4. Add your extras to the booking if required + kilometer packages (200km are always included) + foreign zones + Club Membership 5. Process the payment. We prepare the vehicle for you. We only reserve the booking amount. The deposit will be requested on site upon your arrival. Please have your credit card ready with the deposit to be blocked. 6. On site in our storages On site - please present your valid driver's license, credit card and an identity card or passport while receiving delivery of your vehicle. Enjoy your ride with Supercar Sharing!
What is the deposit of your vehicles?At Supercar Sharing® we classify our vehicles according to exclusivity and performance. For this purpose we have divided the vehicles into categories: A+, A, B+, B, C, and D. The highest vehicle category is category A+. The category determines the amount of the deposit, age restrictions and the price category of your rental. Deposit Category A+: 15,000 EUR / CHF minimum age 30 Deposit Category A: 8,000 EUR / CHF minimum Age 26 Deposit Category B+: 7,000 EUR / CHF minimum Age 25 Deposit Category B: 5,000 EUR / CHF minimum Age 25 Deposit Category C: 5,000 EUR / CHF minimum Age 25 Deposit Category D: 3,000 EUR / CHF minimum Age 25
What documents should I take with me when renting?On site - please present your valid driver's license, credit card and an identity card or passport while receiving delivery of your vehicle. Please note: Photocopies, digital licenses, learner's permits, and driver's licenses with driving restrictions will not be accepted. Driver's licenses from non-EU countries (except Switzerland) are accepted if:a) no visa has been entered in the passport.b) the customer has a visa in his passport and at the time of hire has not been in Europe for longer than 6 months. If he has been in Europe for longer than 6 months, he must present a driver's license from an EU country. Driver's license printed with non Roman Alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Cyrillic etc) must be complemented by an international driver's licence. For driver's licenses from countries not part of the international driver's license treaty, an official translation of the license must be presented with the original license.
Are there any age restrictions?Certain regulations apply related to minimum age and possession of driver's license which can be found during the booking process depending on the booked category of vehicle. Basically, the minimum age for every driver is 25 years (having held the driver's license for at least 5 years). A deviation from the minimum age is possible depending on the vehicle but not above the category C. A young driver surcharge applies to drivers under 25 years.
Frequently asked questions and answers
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